Our Garden

At Quercus Farm, we use sustainable and biodynamic agricultural methods to raise our produce as naturally and organically as possible. Biodynamic farms bring plants, animals, and soil together in collaboration, so they can support each other in perfect unison. These methods help us restore the soil, replenishing the balance of nutrients while creating healthy produce. We believe our farming methods should help preserve the local wildlife, plant biodiversity, and natural habitat.


What is biodynamics? “The basis of the idea is that for food to provide the best nourishment possible; where the food comes from and how it is grown must be treated as a whole dynamic. This means that the soil, animals, people, plant life, and any other forms of life that are in the growing area are all interconnected and should be treated as such to yield the best nourishment for everything involved.” - Josephine Porter

Certified Naturally Grown

We are deeply proud to share that our garden is officially Certified Naturally Grown. For a complete list of practices and standards, we encourage you to visit naturallygrown.org.

Discover Quercus

World of Quercus features artfully imagined accommodations and offers a haven of comfort in an authentic farm setting.

Experience a refined chef-driven tasting menu that focuses on sustainability and is hyper-committed to the use of our property as a whole.

Guests have the ability to participate in one of our many guided activities, such as fishing, kayaking, field sports, and more.

World of Quercus offers the rare opportunity of environmental immersion combined with a well-pampered stay and exceptional hospitality.

Meet one of our equestrian experts and learn how to communicate with a horse through a magical experience in the pecan grove.

Here at Quercus, wellness isn't just a standalone program you enroll in – it's an integral part of our core philosophy.

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