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Springtime Allergy Relief Tea

Springtime Allergy Relief Tea

Spring is one of my favorite seasons, as the warm rays of the sun break through the leftover winter blues. The days begin gradually getting longer and flowers and trees bloom into an explosion of color. This explosion however also brings with it a cloud of pollen and irritants that make this season, oftentimes, unbearable for people. That is why I suggest to clients to begin preparing in advance for allergy season and hopefully mitigate the worst symptoms with the use of a few gentle herbs.

How to make Springtime Allergy Relief Tea

Spring is one of my favorite seasons, as the warm rays of the sun break through the leftover winter blues. The days begin gradually getting longer and flowers and trees bloom into an explosion of color. This explosion however also brings with it a cloud of pollen and irritants that make this season, oftentimes, unbearable for people. That is why I suggest to clients to begin preparing in advance for allergy season and hopefully mitigate the worst symptoms with the use of a few gentle herbs.

I have put together this herbal tea recipe as a suggestion of what one can do in order to naturally help build tolerance to allergy symptoms. This recipe can absolutely be modified according to taste and herbal preference. However, the one key player in this concoction, and my personal all-time favorite herb, is nettle. This would be the one herb that I would not change and in fact, if nothing else, a simple strong nettle tea can hold its own during this season.

Let me quickly share the herbs I have chosen to use before moving on to the recipe.

  1. Nettle (Urtica dioica): This herb is abundant in vitamins and minerals, particularly a good source of calcium and iron. It has many benefits, but for this specific recipe it has proven to be an effective remedy for hay fever.
  2. Peppermint (Mentha piperita): A well known and loved herb, peppermint offers a refreshing and invigorating flavor to this tea. It finds a place in the recipe for its ability to act as a gentle stimulant and digestive aid.
  3. Calendula (Calendula officinalis): While most known for its topical healing abilities, when taken internally calendula is wonderful for gastrointestinal inflammation. I like it for its properties of keeping mucous membranes hydrated during this vulnerable period.
  4. Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis): A wonderful mucilaginous herb that coats all mucus membranes and soothes any irritations. For times when allergies bring sore throats, dry coughs and congestion, this herb will be very therapeutic.
  5. Red Clover (Trifolium pratense): Another herb rich in minerals such as calcium, iron and nitrogen. Combined with nettle, it is effective in helping alleviate allergies and hay fever symptoms.


  • 2tsp Nettle
  • 2tsp Peppermint
  • 1tsp Calendula
  • 1tsp Marshmallow
  • 1tsp Red Clover


Place all herbs in a mason jar or tea pot and cover with 16 ounces of boiling water, let steep for 10-15 minutes. Add some raw local honey to taste Enjoy!

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